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Creating Simple Technologies for the World

 We pride ourselves on our experience in technology. The founder of the Company has over 45 years of Design experience and is assisted by a team of excellent designers.

About PilotTech

Pilot Technology Development Ltd is a company that is focused on developing new products and technologies. The founder of the Company has over 45 years of Design experience and is assisted by a team of excellent designers. We pride ourselves on our experience in technology: developing and manufacturing new products.

All our products are designed keeping the user in mind and are aimed at enhancing the technology use experience. With our expertise in Quality standards, we make sure that all our products are delivered with the best quality standards.

We can help design new products based on the customer’s requirements. We design hardware and software and therefore can deliver complete products. We have customers in the USA, Australia, India and other countries.

Our Services

We are an OEM/ODM Company. All the products that we design and manufacture are customer specific. The broad areas that we have designed for are:

Smart buildings

Smart Homes

Commercial electronics

Medical electronics Telecommunications

Sensor networks and IoT

Our Team


Tejinder Jassal

Tejinder is a 1976 graduate of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He has spent his entire working life in Product Design. He is well versed with Design for Manufacturing and ensures that his designs are user friendly.


Vinod Kapila

A 1978 graduate from Thapar Engineering College, Patiala, has many years of experience in Hardware Design and Product Management. He has worked with Companies in India and the USA.


Avtansh Sharma

A 1988 graduate from NIT, Trichy, he has over 30 years of experience with Alcatel-Lucent and other MNCs in leadership roles for Business Development, Partner/Alliance Management, R&D and Operations, (Delivery & Support) and Solutions Management in Telecom/IT & Media Industries.

Working with Us

We offer a complete turn-key service, right from your basic design to the final manufacturing. Our team offers you excellent design support and manufacturing capabilities

With our knowledge of Quality Systems, hardware and software, we offer quality that is built into the design itself.

Our basic design principle is based around the fact that our products are designed for ease of use, keeping the end-user in mind.

We offer hardware, software and mechanical design services. With us, you can rest assured that the product developed shall more than meet your expectations.

Get In Touch

We’d love to discuss your project or world-beating idea with you.
Alternatively, send through a request for a quotation, enquiry.

Contact Details

Our Location

Unit 2003, 20/F, Tower 5, China Hong Kong City, 33 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong